“Closer Look” is a weekly blog meant to encourage Christians by providing biblical answers to questions we have regarding theology, biblical passages, ethics, and more. The goal is that God would be glorified, the saints edified, and that the world would bear witness to the sufficiency of Scripture!
Why would a good God do this?
(Published: December 6, 2024)
Q: Why did God tell Saul to “strike Amalek” and to put to death “both man and woman, child and infant” (1 Sam. 15:2-3)?
A: God is a holy God who does not lie and who is sovereign over all creation. God, as Judge overall creation, determined that the wages of sin is death, which includes physical, spiritual, and eternal death. A judicial sentence that every person, in all history, is under. God would be just to fully execute His judgment on any of us at any time. Yet, every second of life we are given is a testimony to God’s great love, mercy, and grace, for every person. Every second is an opportunity to respond in faith to God’s offer of salvation. These extraordinary events in Old Testament history cause us to examine . . .
Is there purpose in my pain?
(Published: November 19, 2024)
Q: Why does God allow us to get sick with an illness, and remain sick, without ever being completely healed?
A: If the question is why God allows us to have a specific illness, and what is the benefit for us, then fundamentally the most accurate, biblical answer is . . . I do not know. In this we can only weep with one another, lean on one another, and go to the LORD in prayer on behalf of one another. However, the Bible gives us priceless treasures for us to embrace together as His Church despite relentless acute and/or chronic suffering.
Is my life pleasing to God?
(Published: November 8, 2024)
Q: “So let’s say you are praying, going to church every time the doors are open and helping the neighbors in the community when you can but you are not sure if you are pleasing your Heavenly Father. How can you tell that what you are doing is pleasing or if he wants you to do more?”
A: I think the answer to this question needs to come in two parts. Here is the short answer: (1) you can never please the Heavenly Father “legally” but only be found pleasing to Him in Christ; and (2) as a believer (one in Christ) you can please the Heavenly Father with your actions and words.
First, we are born under the curse of sin and our default “legal” position before God is as sinners who are His enemies (Rom. 5:10; Eph. 2:1-3; Colo. 1:21). Consequently, we come into the world unable to please God “legally” or “positionally” speaking. This is really bad news. However, the gospel resolution is extremely encouraging to those who desire to please God.