Proclaim the one, true gospel, Show the love of Christ to the community in word and action; Grow together in the image of Jesus Christ, and Build up every believer of the local church.
Our first mission is to proclaim the one true gospel of Jesus Christ preserved in the Divinely inspired Scriptures that we call the Bible. We are determined to proclaim the pure gospel message in our preaching and our teaching, and we are committed to proclaiming this pure gospel to the community at large where God has placed us.
Jesus Christ tells us, His disciples, that the greatest commandments are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. And this “neighbor” that Jesus is referring to he later goes on to include our self-designated “enemies.” In fact, He tells us that we express our love for Him by our obedience to His commands, which includes loving our neighbor. The apostle John even tells us that if we say we say we love God but in our actions, words, and thoughts, we hate our neighbor then we are liars. Therefore, we strive to show Christ love to our biblical “neighbor” in actions and in words.
Scripture shows us that every believer should strive to develop an understanding of orthodox (correct) doctrine of the Bible, how to articulate these doctrines, how to apply sound doctrine to our lives; and that every believer should be able to give a reason for the hope that they have in Jesus Christ. In other words, every believer should be a public (taking out to the world) theologian (theos “god” / logos “word” (i.e., God-talk)) bearing witness to the truth of God’s Word to the world. Consequently, it is our mission to facilitate growth in all these areas so that, by the strength of the Holy Spirit, we might be transformed further into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ and bear witness to His glory to the world.
We are committed to faithful obedience to the call of every believer to utilize the spiritual gifts given to him/her for the building up of the local church so that we might grow (see above) to spiritual maturity, that the common faith might be preserved and proclaimed (see above) and that each member might be preserved from going astray into false doctrine.